Travis Yates

“This is some of the best training I have attended in over 40 years of law enforcement.”  Scott Johnson, Chief of Police – Grand Rapids (MN) Police Department  


Major Travis Yates began his career in 1993 with the Tulsa (OK) Police Department. He has served 18 years of his career in a patrol function with other assignments in Gangs, Media Relations, Training and Planning. Travis has been recognized throughout the world in regards to law enforcement training and received the International Police Trainer of the Year Award in 2008 by ILEETA. He is an Editor with Law Officer Magazine and is one of the most prolific writers in law enforcement, authoring hundreds of articles for various publications including The Daily Caller.  Travis is often interviewed by major media outlets in regards to law enforcement with past interviews with CNN, USA Today, ABC News, Nightline and the Associated Press. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Northeastern State University and is a graduate of the 227th Session of the FBI National Academy. Travis is the author of the best seller, “The Courageous Police Leader.

“It took me 53 years in law enforcement to attend a class like this.” Deputy Jerry Koester

Travis is the Past President of ALERT International and founding member of the Below 100 Initiative which strives through a series of articles, classes and “train the trainer” courses to reduce line of duty deaths in America to below 100 per year.

“The best presentation I have had in over 22 years in law enforcement.”  Sgt. Michael Huber, McMinnville (OR) Police Department

His latest seminar, Courageous Leadership for Law Enforcement, has been popular throughout the country and will have an accompanying book in 2017.

Read The Latest Endorsement Letter about Travis.

Read his articles via Law Officer Magazine

Read his articles via Police One

Whether it’s his decade long seminar called Drive To Survive, Officer Survival Course or Courageous Leadership, Travis Yates will bring a passion and enthusiasm to your audience like you have never seen before.

Get Travis’ new book, “The Courageous Police Leader” here.


What Others Are Saying About Travis:

“The instructor, Travis Yates, immediately connected with the class and made this class engaging and informative. His years of experience in police supervision and administration was evident as he was able to link theory with practice. The class was very well organized and was taught in such a way that it made us really think about our role as leaders and the responsibility that brings within our organizations and communities. This is some of the best training I have attended in over 40 years of law enforcement.”  Scott Johnson, Chief of Police – Grand Rapids (MN) Police Department  

“I walked away motivated and inspired!  Thank you for what you do, helping Officers better themselves.  Our Officers and Communities are better with this type of training.” Officer Corey Rosen, Boardman (OR) Police Department

“Travis is one of the best in the business.  In the many years I have known and worked with Travis I have always found him to be an innovator in the training community. All his programs are research driven with the end result being, the student receiving state of the art education. Every one of Travis’s projects or training programs that I have witness and/or been involved in is well thought out and goals and objectives oriented. Simply put – anything Travis does will be done well.”  Tony Scotti, Vehicle Dynamics Institute

“When you spoke at the conference, I was literally in awe and completely focused on you and every word you spoke.  Your speech had a profound impact on me as a human being.”  Karen, 2013 CHP Conference

“Your class was undoubtedly one of the best ones my officers have had in many years.”  Major Chris Boyd, Fort Smith Police Department

“Your class should be required for every single police officer in America.”  Officer Jason Cummings

“In my 12 year career, this was the best class I have ever taken on leadership.”  Sergeant Josh Johnson

“…You made it fun, interesting and real all at the same time. Trust me, it’s not often when officers stay focused on training….” Captain Scott Eakers

“Travis, I want to sincerely thank you and so does my three year old daughter. I was not a huge seatbelt user before. I would put it on during certain responses or events but, would not wear it for routine patrol. I also had a heavy foot,
that has become lighter since your class. You have more than likely improved my chances of surviability in the event of a crash.” Ohio Sergeant

“On behalf of the North Carolina League of Municipalities, I would state that we have  worked with Major Travis Yates as he has trained across our state and he is a highly motivated and riveting speaker on the subject of Police Driving and is widely recognized as one of the foremost experts on this subject nationwide.  His training tips have been invaluable to the departments in this state as we strive to reduce the number of police related auto accidents across the State of North Carolina.”  Steve Lee, North Carolina League of Municipalities