Surviving Workplace Violence

“Everyone should take this class!” – D. Simmons

This exclusive and award winning seminar is specifically designed for ALL employees of any business.  From directors and administrators to teachers and staff, this program has been successfully delivered to over 6000 students, across the county.  Led by Keith Smith, this class will help save the lives of employees in any business.

By following a unique and comprehensive curriculum, students are  provided the tools necessary to recognize and defeat a critical incident event. In addition, students will be given a tactile experience with several weapons systems, teaching them how to control and defeat various firearms. At the end of the class, students are placed in a “real-life” scenario, allowing them to experience the “stress” of an actual event, using the techniques delivered to them throughout the program.

Everything that you thought you knew about violence in the workplace will be shattered in this groundbreaking seminar.

In this seminar, participants will be able to:

Identify victim characteristics –Are you likely to be attacked?

Classify potential aggressors via…

-Early detection

-Common behaviors/early warning signs

Recognize physiological and psychological responses to stress

-5 responses to extreme stress – What motivates us and drives  what we do.

-How the Sympathetic Nervous System impacts stress responses

Explore mindset development

Understand the importance of local police


Explain and categorize active shooter response

-Phases of the active shooter\

-Winning strategies (Myths debunked)

 -Why Run. Hide. Fight doesn’t necessarily work

Identify and be aware of weapons

-Show, tell, and, touch

-Defeating firearms

Demonstrate Defensive Tactics

-Basic combat footwork and strikes


Recent Testimonies:

You all did a FANTASTIC job.  It was memorable and gave great insight into the working of minds and how to improve reaction time when lives might be saved in a matter of seconds!  I have recommended your training to many. Congratulations again on really greeaaat training!!! – Gene H., Business Analyst

I just wanted to thank you again for the amazing training today. It was a powerful learning experience. I really enjoyed the mix of humor and information. Your course was way better than any college lecture I’ve been in. – 
Andy T.,  Management

The content of their presentations was clear and easy to follow, educational, and packed with lifesaving information! The course time went by so quickly and we did not find ourselves daydreaming as it was a great course. This is a course everyone should attend.  – 
Pam, Account Executive

This course was arguably the best, and most productive 4 hours I have spent in a long time.  I’ve relayed 
this to my staff and expect you will have some of those folks as participants in future  classes.  “Everyone” should take this class! – D. Simmons, Senior Agency Official